Jane先生 -StepForwardの講師紹介23

StepForward BGC校で働く先生を紹介します。
- 出身地は?
- 大学の専攻は?
- 講師の経験は?
- 講師として好きなレッスンは?
- 趣味は?
- 出身地はどこですか?あなたが生まれ育った場所について教えてください。
- 自分自身をどのように表現しますか?
- 英語講師になったきっかけは何ですか?
- 日本人の生徒に英語を教えることはどうですか?
- 休みの日は何をしますか?
- Hometown
Antique, Philippines
- Major in University
Secondary Education
- Teaching Experience
Growing up, I liked playing ‘teacher’ among my playmates; we would play “pretend school” and I’ll always assert myself to be their mentor.
From then on, I suppose I always knew where I was heading.
I took up education in college, we studied pedagogy and had teaching internships where we put learning theories in practice.
When I was in my 2nd year in college, I worked part-time as an ESL Teacher and did so for two years until after graduation.
- Favorite Lessons as A Teacher
I’ve always found ‘favorite’ a rather extreme word when it comes to teaching. I don’t think I have a favorite lesson to teach, per se, for I don’t think that there’s an “easy” lesson to teach.
I’ve always regarded every subject or lesson as a field of study that I must thoroughly and comprehensively understand before imparting it to others, regardless of its perceived difficulty.
Some take time of course, and while I also feel frustrated that some concepts are particularly challenging to grasp, being driven by the deeper ‘whys’ of things leads to a better understanding of it. This makes teaching fulfilling.
- Interest
I am an avid reader with a fondness for classic works such as those of Jane Austen, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Harper Lee, Bram Stoker, Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mark Twain and many others. I like re-reading my favorite novels, often surprising myself for the little gems that I missed the first time I read them.
Reading significantly influenced my way of thinking, it helped me became more empathetic and less concerned with a person’s look than their character.
I also enjoy being with nature, to be completely surrounded with the elements and feel the same way as how the great authors describe the feeling of looking at the
majestic oceans, the towering mountains, the lush tropical vegetation, or simply the sway of trees and flowers, or the wind in one’s hair.
- Where are you from? Can you tell about the city where you were born and raised?
Antique is a very rural province, “where the mountains meet the sea” as it is dubbed. I enjoy being by the beach as much as I like trekking the mountains. It has many natural attractions such as falls, islands and long, white beaches, diving spots, and mountains that the provincial government is currently promoting for tourism.People mainly fish or farm, but recently, tourism-related employment opportunities have opened to some.
My Mother Tongue is called ‘Karay-a”; it is very closely related to “Hiligaynon”, a term describing both the people and language spoken by our neighbor province, Iloilo. However, one distinguishing aspect of my language is that while most Antiqueños (the people from Antique) can easily understand Hiligaynon despite not speaking it, the same can’t be said in reverse. Most Hiligaynon find it difficult to understand Karay-a. Karay-a is a beautiful language, it may come off as a little too intense due to its strong accent and pronounced ‘r’ sound, but it is very unique and an irrefutable evidence to the Philippines’ rich linguistic diversity.
Life in my province is very simple; one eventually learns and craves the simple pleasures of life. I have humble beginnings, and I am more attached to the earth than to my own bed. We had a huge, open playground filled with nature’s offerings – we chased grasshoppers during the day and hunted spiders and fireflies at night. Well, at least when I was little. When we fancy it, we make campfires and huddle around it, telling scary stories that instantly make us regret ever doing it in the first place. Most times though, we just like telling interesting stories or sharing our childish hopes and dreams. There’s also the sea nearby, ever fascinating but deadly, and whose horizons twinkle with lights from the fishing boats every night. We sometimes get to see steamboats too, and watched as their steam rise upward, to disappear, or mix with low-hanging clouds. There’s also virtually no light and smoke pollution, revealing the midnight sky in its full glory of stars and constellations. One of the things I enjoyed doing was mapping out the constellations – Orion the Hunter, Canis Major, and Ursa Major or the Big Dipper. At dawn during full moon, we can see the Earth’s natural satellite hang very low, seemingly floating just above the still ocean, and its silver glow that the water reflects is simply a sight to behold.
The only thing that dampen my adoration for my hometown is that due to its small and rural setting, I think people tend to care too much about other people’s business than their own. Everyone knows everyone. It is difficult to do things privately, or to stand out for fear of being ‘the talk of the town”. Growing up, we’re all under the scrutiny of hawk-eyed elders who like to make well-meaning but sometimes offensive remarks.
In hindsight though, I think it just testifies to the fact that humans are social beings, we are – whether we like it or not – always connected with each other in all aspects of our lives.
- How do you describe yourself?
I’m a typical introvert. I like being left to my own devices where I can enjoy my quiet, alone times. Nonetheless, I do enjoy the company of fun-loving, gregarious people. They fascinate me on how easily they connect with others and display unmatched energy for anything that involves socializing and interacting. I like writing too, especially when I feel at my lowest. I have made countless letters and snippets of the results of my interaction with people, things, and events. But I suppose it’s nothing unusual though, I know a lot of people who also find solace in writing down their thoughts when everything seems like a tangled mess. But most of all, I love kind people. I think it takes real strength to be able to remain gentle and not be polluted by this sometimes cruel world.
- What made you an English teacher?
I think what can be inferred from my previous statement is that I’m not too fond of talking with others a lot. However, I have an enormous fascination with language – how certain sounds and symbols can make sense to a certain group of people while it appears wholly alien to anyone who’s unfamiliar and unexposed with it. There are over 7,000 different languages in the world today, each with their own unique and distinct set of characteristics. It’s mind-blowing. And since I had an opportunity from an early age to learn one of those 7,000 languages – English – sharing it to people who genuinely wants to learn it makes the whole teaching experience very worthwhile.
- How do you like teaching English specially to Japanese learners?
The first thing that struck me about Japanese people is their admirable, quiet confidence. Most are well-educated, with impeccable manners and etiquette, and are efficient workers, yet they remain very polite and humble. Some cultural barriers are inevitable, but it’s not something that can’t be resolved with respect, cultural relativism, and effective communication.
- What do you do in your free time?
I either sleep, read, write, or watch movies. I would like to be more adventurous and visit places I’ve never been to, but I admit I haven’t saved up enough for it. But I hope it’ll be possible in the near future.