Nami先生 -StepForwardの講師紹介26

2024/05/08 講師紹介
Nami先生 -StepForwardの講師紹介26

StepForward BGC校で働く先生を紹介します。





  • 出身地は?



  • 大学の専攻は?



  • 講師の経験は? 



  • 講師として好きなレッスンは?



  • 趣味は?



  • 出身地はどこですか?あなたが生まれ育った場所について教えてください。



  • 自分自身をどのように表現しますか?

1. コーヒーが大好きです。友達とコーヒー巡りをして楽しんでいます。
2. 基本的には家にいるのが好きですが、ときどきストレス発散のために旅行します。
3. 人生は短く、愚痴を言っているひまはないので、前向きに考えるようにしています。


  • 英語講師になったきっかけは何ですか?



  • 日本人の生徒に英語を教えることはどうですか?




  • 休みの日は何をしますか?

1. 新しいカフェに行って、新しいものを試します。
2. Netflixでテレビシリーズを観ます。
3. 母と散歩に行きます。








  • Hometown

Arayat, Pampanga


  • Major in University



  • Teaching Experience

Six years


  • Favorite Lessons as A Teacher

General and Business English


  • Interest

Travel, K-drama, Cafe Hunting, Baking, Yoga, Reading


  • Where are you from? Can you tell about the city where you were born and raised?

I was born in Pampanga, in the beautiful town of Arayat. It’s a small town surrounded with green plains and has a famous mountain called Arayat. You can either hike or visit a national park and resort nestled in the foothills of the mountain.


  • How do you describe yourself? 
    1. I am a coffee lover. I enjoy coffee hunting with my friends.
    2. I consider myself a homebody who travels every so often to relieve my stress.
    3. I try to keep a positive outlook in life because it’s too short to waste in complaining.


  • What made you an English teacher?

Being an English teacher was not my first choice, however, life is full of surprises. I became one and it turned out to be more enjoyable than I expected. Now, I enjoy teaching English to students of different nationalities. What I like about it is being able to help my students improve their English and at the same time learn their culture and opinions in different subjects.


  • How do you like teaching English specially to Japanese learners?

Teaching English is not easy, but it’s very flexible. I can use different topics when teaching while incorporating some grammatical rules. There are no dull or boring moments especially when the students are participative and willing to share their ideas.

I love teaching Japanese students because I can immerse myself from their rich culture. Most importantly, I admire their dedication because even the low beginners are eager to learn regardless of their difficulties. I find it rewarding to be a part of their learning journey that will hopefully open doors for them in the future.


  • What do you do in your free time?
    1. I visit a new cafe and try something new.
    2. I watch TV series on Netflix.
    3. I go for a walk with my mom.



